Friday, January 1

My 3-year-old monster

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to


Happy Birthday to you.

Look at you now, all grown up. Everything you really needed to know you have learned from your atok, wan, ummi, and your acu. You are really lucky to have us who was around all the time and we are extremely happy to share a lifetime's worth of knowledge with you. We talk, we laugh, we cry. We do it all together as a family. A family full with strength and love.

Well, it's been pretty quiet on this end, hasn't it? I thought I'd wait until things are going to get better to share stories about Fayyadh's first week of school is going. It's hard living life as a complicated men.

Anyway, Happy Birthday my little monster, and Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 in advance too!

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